Hello, a lot more people who would never consider going for therapy are now taking a first step because Online Counselling/Therapy or Face to Face London Bridge is a lot more accessible now.
If you have wanted to contact someone for a long time a good first step is contacting someone is by text, phone, or email.
Reaching out to someone this way does seem to work through some block, resistance, or fear that might be holding you back.
So please feel free to contact me, Cynthia Rao for a 15 to 20-minute phone call to see if we could work together. You are under no obligation to book a session if we speak.

Psychosynthesis / Online Counselling/Therapy or face to face London Bridge
The father of Psychosynthesis Roberto Assagioli, said
“Psychosynthesis is interested in the whole building. We try to build an elevator which will allow a person access to every level of his personality. After all, a building with only a basement is very limited. We want to open up the terrace where you can sun-bathe or look at the stars. Our concern is the synthesis of all areas of the personality. That means psychosynthesis is holistic, global and inclusive. It is not against psychoanalysis or even behavior modification but it insists that the needs for meaning, for higher values, for a spiritual life, are as real as biological or social needs. We deny that there are any isolated human problems.” ― Roberto Assagioli
Psychosynthesis worked for me because it encased everything mind, body, and spirit. I worked with many counsellors and therapists in the 90s. At the time I had not understood the differences between the different schools of thought. I just wanted someone who could help me feel better and figure stuff out!
Other therapies that I tried:
I sat with a male therapist who at the time I did not understand was psychoanalytical. He did not speak or look at me! I did not know what to think!
Another woman (Lacanian) sat on the other side of the room – it was a large room. I felt abandoned.
I also worked with a lovely woman who would look at me in a very understanding way. Unfortunately, I needed more guidance and education than person-centered. I felt lost.
All these things that came up with these therapists were not a bad thing. The problem was I did not know how to process the feelings.
Psychosynthesis gave me a framework within which I could finally figure myself out. I am still working on myself and through Psychosynthesis, I have ways in which to do that. I understand that there are all kinds of different parts to me. Sub-personalities. Who knew!?! I began to understand the purpose of the survival personality that helped me to get through life.

Confidentiality working online
Feel assured that whatever we talk about is strictly confidential. My governing body is The British Association for Counselling and Psychotherapy BACP No. 605456 and I abide by their code of ethics.

Contact Cynthia Rao for appointments face to face London Bridge or online via Zoom
There are so many therapists and counsellors working in London to choose from. It can be difficult to know where to start among all the websites and directories. A recommendation is to start with a professional body such as the BACP. The BACP has made sure that their therapists and counsellors are professionally qualified and insured. They also ensure that counsellors and therapists are supervised and keep up with continuing professional education.
Speaking to the counsellor or therapist is a good idea before you book an initial session. Because you can ask if they have any experience of working with the issues you are bringing. However, don’t be put off if they have a limited amount. I have heard from clients that they have been to see specialists and not felt understood.
If we decide to have an initial session we can discuss how I work and any questions you may have. I would suggest 6 sessions, to begin with. This gives you a chance to see whether you think and feel that the sessions have been helpful to you.
Online Counselling/Therapy London Bridge and EFT/Matrix Reimprinting Therapy
- London Bridge SE1
- Online Counselling/Therapy
Contact Cynthia Rao
Tel: 07947 071908
Email: cyndash3@gmail.com